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The Ahwahnee Hotel Yosemite Nat'l Park

Captured 25 diverse suites, cottages, and public spaces, enhancing online visibility and historic preservation through 3D tours with embedded content and e-commerce links.

Project Overview: BirdsEye VR undertook a comprehensive project at the Ahwahnee Hotel, capturing 25 distinct rooms and key areas like the famous Ahwahnee Bar, The Dining Hall, and the Presidential Suite. The project aimed to preserve the hotel's historic charm and enhance its digital presence.

Objective and Application: The virtual tours were designed to boost SEO and online visibility on Google Streetview, archive important historical details, and enrich the tourism experience with embedded educational content and shopping links.

Technological Innovation: By publishing these tours to Google Streetview, Matterport Discover, their own website as well as a link on, BirdsEye VR expanded the hotel's reach, providing an immersive experience to a global audience.

Impact and Success: The project garnered over 50,000 impressions and significant monthly visitors, driving increased booking inquiries and making a marked impact on the hotel's digital footprint.

Power in Numbers




Google Streetview
360 Image views


Average 3D Visits Monthly

Project Gallery

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